Version 02/02/2022
When you enter the platform you will see the main menu. Here you can click on the “Cargo” section to see all available transports.
This is a list of all loads published by HTG Express. You can make an offer for the ones you are interested in.
Desktop version
Mobile version
If you have already made an offer for a load, the “View offer” button will appear in the list including all details that you have placed.
By clicking on it, detailed information of the offer will be displayed. To fold it again, please click on “View offer”.
You can filter them by vehicle type, pick-up date, destination, origin, km to pick-up location and even whether or not you have already made an offer. Once you have selected the filters, press the “Search” button.
If you are interested in one of our transports, you can submit an offer. To do so, click on “Bid”.
An overview of the transport will be displayed. You can either cancel your response or continue by clicking on “Bid” again.
You will arrive at a space where you must complete your offer with details of the vehicle and service. Fill in the entire form correctly before continuing. The time should be in hours and only the first two numbers are required for the Post Code (Cp).
If you do not complete everything correctly, the system will tell you what data is missing.
If everything is completed, click on ” Send” and we will receive your reply.
If you have any doubts, please contact