Version 30/09/2021
When you enter the platform you will have access to the main menu. Here you can click on the “Vehicles” section to start advertising your vehicles.
In the first access the vehicle table will be empty. To create a new registration click on “New vehicle” and fill in at least the following fields:
Desktop version
Mobile version
Note: to access the detail in the mobile teversion you must click on the edit icon.
“Delete” on mobile
Save vehicles: It is necessary to save all the changes
New vehicle: to add a new vehicle to the list.
Activate all: group update to activate all vehicles at once.
Deactivate all: group update to deactivate all vehicles at once.
Exit: Exit after saving changes first.
Cancel: Exit without saving changes
If the characteristics of a vehicle match a load published by HTG Express, it will appear in the red band and you will be able to go directly to consult it and bid it.
Warning: If you are going to leave the page or perform any other action without saving, you will receive the following message: “There are unsaved changes”.
Each time you log in, you will simply have to update the information of each vehicle:
Remember that, when updating, you will see the matching loads: if the characteristics of a vehicle match those of a load published by HTG Express, it will appear in the red band and you can go directly to consult it and make an offer.
You can also download an Excel file with the management of your vehicles already updated for use with other customers.
If you are not on the MyHTG Suppliers platform and HTG Express publishes a new load that matches one of your active vehicles, you will receive an email notification so that you can enter and bid for it.
If in doubt, please contact